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    孫壯 副研










    近年來(lái)主持和參與了國家自然科學(xué)基金、上海市自然科學(xué)基金、地方中試產(chǎn)業(yè)化等項目。目前在材料化學(xué)類(lèi)核心期刊Nature Communications, Advanced Functional Materials, Energy Storage Materials, Journal of the Electrochemical Society等著(zhù)名期刊發(fā)表論文20余篇;獲授權國家發(fā)明專(zhuān)利10余項。所開(kāi)發(fā)微刻碳基儲能材料獲山東省產(chǎn)業(yè)技術(shù)創(chuàng )新研究院支持,投入經(jīng)費超過(guò)2000萬(wàn)元曾榮獲上海交通大學(xué)國家獎學(xué)金、科技創(chuàng )新獎學(xué)金等,并于2019-2021連續三年榮獲上海硅酸鹽研究所優(yōu)秀個(gè)人。


    1. 金屬空氣電池用碳基空氣正極的設計和器件創(chuàng )制。

    2. 鋰離子電池用高性能負極的材料制備及其儲能機制研究 


    1. 國家自然科學(xué)基金青年項目,2021.1-2023.12  主持

    2. 上海市科學(xué)技術(shù)委員會(huì )面上項目,2020.7-2023.6 主持

    3. 國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室主任青年項目,2020.1-2022.12主持

    4.上海硅酸鹽研究所所創(chuàng )新產(chǎn)業(yè)化項目,2022.1-2023.7主持

    5. 上海硅酸鹽研究所所創(chuàng )新基礎項目,2018.12-2021.12已結題,主持


    1. Zhuang Sun, Tao Zhang,*et. al., Chimerism of carbon by ruthenium induces gradient catalysis, Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31, 2104011.

    2. Zhuang Sun, Jianjun Liu,* Tao Zhang,* et. al., Partial disproportionation gallium-oxygen reaction boosts lithium-oxygen batteries, Energy Storage Materials, 2021, 41, 475-484.

    3. Chushu Yang,1 Zhuang Sun,1 Tao Zhang,* et. al., Metal nano-drills directionally regulate pore structure in carbon, Carbon, 2021, 175, 60-68.

    4. Wenxia Lu,1 Zhuang Sun,1 Bin Sun,* et. al., Construction and activity evaluation of novel dual-target anti-fungal agents containing amide naphthyl structure, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2022, 228, 113972.

    5. Zhuang Sun, Tao Zhang*, et. al., Micro versus nanochannels: carbon micro-sieve tubes from biological phloem tissues for lithium-oxygen batteries, Green Chemistry, 2020, 22, 388-396.

    6.Zhuang Sun, Tao Zhang*, et. al.,Oxygen-free cell formation process obtaining LiF protected electrodes for improved stability in lithium-oxygen batteries. Energy Storage Materials, 2019, 23670.

    7. Xiaoping Zhang,Yiyang Sun,Zhuang Sun, Tao Zhang * et. al., Anode interfacial layer formation via reductive ethyl detaching of organic iodide in lithium–oxygen batteries,Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 3543.

    8. Chushu Yang, Zhuang Sun, Tao Zhang * et. al., Rechargeable solid-state Li-air batteries: a status report, Rare Metals, 2018, 37, 1-14.

    9.Zhuang Sun,Xuefeng Song*, Lian Gao, * et. al., High rate lithium-ion batteries from hybrid hollow spheres with few-layered MoS2-entrapped carbon sheath synthesized with a space-confined reaction, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4,10425.

    10. Zhuang Sun, Xuefeng Song*, Lian Gao,* A silicon/double-shelled carbon yolk-like nanostructure as high-performance anode materials for lithium-ion battery. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2015, 162, A1530.

    11.Zhuang Sun, Xuefeng Song*, Lian Gao,* A silicon/double-shelled carbon yolk-like nanostructure as high-performance anode materials for lithium-ion battery. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2015, 162, A1530.

    12. Zhuang Sun, Xuefeng Song*, Lian Gao,* Yolk–shell structured Si@SiO2 hybriddesign for high performance Li ion batteryRSC Advance, 2014,4, 20814.

    13. Zhuang Sun, Xuefeng Song*, Lian Gao,* Template-assisted synthesis of multi-shelled carbon hollow spheres with ultralarge pore volume as anode materials in Li-ion batteriesRSC Advance, 2015, 5, 3657.

    14. Zhuang Sun, Hongzhi Wang*, et. al., Thermal stable La2Ti2O7:Eu3+phosphors for blue-chip white LEDs with high color rendering index, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2010, 506, 338.

    15. Zhuang Sun, Hongzhi Wang*, et. al, Thermal stable Eu-doped CaTiO3 phosphors with morphology-control for high-power tricolor white LEDs. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2012, 132, 937.


    1. 張濤,孫壯,等, 一種鋰空氣電池的電化學(xué)預處理方法,中國,ZL201811367550.1

    2. 張濤孫壯等,一種非貴金屬輔助化學(xué)刻蝕制備多孔碳材料的方法,中國,202110064280.2

    3. 張濤,孫壯,一種碳載體嵌合金屬單質(zhì)復合材料及其制備方法,中國,202110729007.7

    4. 張濤,孫壯,等,一種強堿環(huán)境釕顆粒輔助刻蝕制備多孔碳材料的方法; 中國,ZL201911227526.2

    5. 孫壯,等,硅基鋰離子電池負極材料及其制備方法,中國,ZL201610964437.6

    6. 高濂,孫壯,等,硅基鋰離子電池負極材料及其制備方法,中國,ZL201310430247.2


    8. 高濂,孫壯,等,一種雙殼層膠囊狀硅基鋰離子電池負極材料及其制備方法,中國,ZL201410587251.4